Junior European Drosophila Inverstigators annual meeting

Dear Fellow JEDIs,
We are proud to announce the 2019 JEDI Meeting which will be held from 15 to 18 September 2019 in Wivenhoe House, Essex, United Kingdom.
Wivenhoe House is at the heart of Wivenhoe Park, a traditional English landscape park which inspired artists like John Constable (the picture above).
We hope to continue the success of the conference series to bring together Principal Investigators who have some interest in the study of Drosophila, and who run their starting or consolidating research group within Europe.
A chance of giving a lecture will be offered for all attendants, along with plenty of opportunities for discussions, networking and social programs. As in the past years, the JEDI Meeting will be invaluable to develop and support the young fly researcher community and to introduce starting PIs to their peers in a friendly and informal atmosphere. This year we will be joined by the distinguished Drosophila scientist David Ish-Horowicz.
Please register and be part of this exciting scientific event, which is supported by EMBO.
We hope to meet you at sunny and beautiful Essex this Summer!
May the force be with you.
Antonio Marco
On behalf of the Organising Committee